UISplitViewController: replacing the detail view
Here’s something that might be useful to those having the same problem as I did: how to replace the detail view of an UISplitViewController? The problem with UISplitViewController…
Here’s something that might be useful to those having the same problem as I did: how to replace the detail view of an UISplitViewController? The problem with UISplitViewController…
Recently I had some problems getting custom fonts working with the new iPhone/iPad 3.2 SDK using Interface Builder. In the new SDK it’s supposed to be really easy…
I have been digging around the Rails source a lot since the last time I shared my discoveries. Seeing how popular the post was, I have collected a…
Not too long ago we had a problem with doing (almost) guaranteed inserts for columns with unique constraints on them (see this post). Today I was facing a…
Actually this post is not so much about just building custom validators for Rails 3 but more like a in-depth introduction to how validations work in the old…
Generally, when someone wants to ensure that a models field is unique, they use a database unique index in conjunction with validates_uniqueness_of :field. The problem with this approach…
I need confirmation dialogs, I need them to be dynamic, unobtrusive, custom styled and flexible. Most of the conditions rule out the built-in [cc lang="javascript" inline="true"]confirm()[/cc] function in Javascript. So I decided to build my own with jQuery and share the basic ideas behind the solution.
Some neat tips and discoveries from the Ruby on Rails source, shared by Tanel Suurhans.
Recently I ran into a case where I had two separate “acts_as” style ActiveRecord model extensions which both abused respond_to? and method_missing to dynamically provide virtual attribute support.…
You probably have used, or at least seen, ActionController::Filters used in lots of Ruby on Rails based applications. Usually it’s related to some authentication/authorization, or benchmarking or something…