Proj4js, L-EST and GeoPoint
This post is about converting Estonian coordinates (L-EST 97, L-EST 92) to the common lon/lat format that probably everyone is familiar with (EPSG4326 or WGS84).
This post is about converting Estonian coordinates (L-EST 97, L-EST 92) to the common lon/lat format that probably everyone is familiar with (EPSG4326 or WGS84).
I need confirmation dialogs, I need them to be dynamic, unobtrusive, custom styled and flexible. Most of the conditions rule out the built-in [cc lang="javascript" inline="true"]confirm()[/cc] function in Javascript. So I decided to build my own with jQuery and share the basic ideas behind the solution.
I assume that everyone has seen these fancy input fields with some text in it like “Your e-mail here” and when you click on it, the text dissapears…